5 ways to Save that College Coin!

We can all agree that college is not cheap. Finding ways to make ends meet in college is definitely a challenge. However, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Of course, it is important to budget, but there are countless ways to save money during your time in college. I have found ways that helped me save and I would like to share them with you. So let’s get into it!!!

First things first, STOP BUYING BRAND NEW TEXTBOOKS! Textbooks are literally college students’ kryptonite. Instead of going directly to your campus bookstore, try looking at other places like Chegg, Barnes & Nobles, and even Amazon.com to rent or buy from. Another great place to look is within your campus community. Try reaching out to other students that might have taken that same course. Also, try to sell back your textbooks when you are done.

Another tip is to OPEN UP A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. College students already have to live on a tight budget, therefore having a saving account is a MUST! It is useful for emergency funds and unexpected situations. Banking options such as Wells Fargo have saving accounts that automatically transfer $1-$5 every time your debit card makes a purchase transaction. This really helps in the long run!

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR STUDENT ID!!! Student IDs are a secret weapon when it comes to saving money. There are available discounts on everything and everywhere. For example, Apple offers reduced prices on its technology for students. Websites such as Student Beans give students access to over 10,000 online stores that have student-exclusive discounts. Wherever you go, always be sure to ask if they offer student discounts.

USE COUPONS!! Even though they might seem old fashion, coupons are designed to help you stay within your budget. Websites like Honey help you find and apply coupon codes while shopping online. Remember, when you combine coupons and student discounts, you are maximizing your savings. Other places to look for coupons include college newspaper, social media, Groupon, Yelp, and RetailMeNot.com. A good tip is to also keep track of all the best restaurant happy hours and promos.

Last but not least, LEARN HOW TO COOK. While eating out seems more convenient and efficient, you are actually creating an expensive habit. Cooking at home not only saves you money but also is a healthier option. Taking the time to learn how to cook can save you a lot of money in the long run. A good thing to keep in mind is meal prepping because it saves time and energy. Websites like Pinterest, Instagram, and Tasty are great resources for learning how to cook.

At the end of the day, do what you have to do to save your coins! These are tips that I learned and used during my time in college. I hope you find them helpful! 

With love,



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